When you own land located on a clifftop in a high-wind zone, the conditions certainly present significant challenges for construction. Standard building materials won't suffice; you certainly need windows and doors that can properly withstand the elements. Rylock Auckland armed with Altus Window Systems products rose to the occasion to deliver a stunning high-end home overlooking the Hauraki Gulf.
Altus Window Systems products protect this high-end home overlooking the Hauraki Gulf.

The Brief: Materials to withstand the elements
Local Kevin Young had lived on a block of land in Rothesay Bay for 25 years. He decided to subdivide his property and pull down his old plaster house and put two new luxurious townhouses in its place. As the site is located by the coast, Kevin needed building materials that would withstand some pretty extreme weather conditions:
"It's a high wind zone where we are, being on the clifftop, so I had to get decent aluminium windows," he explained.
Kevin got several window and door quotes, but eventually went with Rylock® as they met the requirements specified in the plans, something that was crucial to him. Darren Saunders of Rylock® recommended systems and products that matched the plans, following what was specified.
"Kevin's main concern with these windows was that this is a very high wind zone, it's very exposed. He needed to have windows that would suit the conditions, so his brief was mainly about specifying windows and doors fit for purpose." recalls Darren. "However with other quality materials like cedar and stone being used and 270 degree outlook to Rangitoto Island the windows needed to look sleek and make the most of framing the views." says Darren.
The Products: Mixing and matching suites for optimal performance
Darren recalls that "there wasn't really too much talk about budget" - performance was definitely the key consideration. Kevin's clifftop properties incorporated the Atlantic High Performance Suite in the living room and bedrooms, complemented by the Pacific Architectural Suite. All of the sliding Eurostacker® doors were from the Atlantic High Performance Suite.
"The thing we all like about the Atlantic Suite Eurostacker® is it doesn't rely on drain holes drilled into it like most other suites," says Darren. "It's got an integrated continuous drainage system and doesn't have channel or trough tracks as a typical sliding door has. It slides on the outside and has an internal upstand making it a more weathertight slider and probably one of the most-used sliders for extreme wind zones."
The Atlantic High Performance Suite significantly exceeds the extreme wind zone requirement.

The Atlantic High Performance Suite significantly exceeds the extreme wind zone requirement, being able to withstand wind pressure above 3000 pa. This is why it made the perfect choice for these Rothesay Bay properties. The suite is ideal for grand homes, particularly those in extreme locations or with unique specifications.
Darren found that the Pacific Architectural Suite perfectly worked alongside the Atlantic Suite. All of our window and door suites are designed to complement each other, so that you can mix and match to adapt to different project requirements. This allows builders and architects to cater for varying different budget requirements. While budget wasn't a primary concern for this project, Darren points out that "the Pacific Architectural Suite is a great suite to use with the Atlantic as together they offer consistent uniformity through many shared features. From 25mm facings and square edge profiles to chevron tracks and seismic frames. So the benefit is you get the desired aesthetic but more importantly the necessary performance where you need it, and cost savings everywhere else."
Everything according to plan
Overall, the construction of these two properties went according to plan. Kevin was delighted with the outcome and Rylock were happy with the installation process. Unlike other residential construction projects, Rylock did the supply and installation of all the windows and doors.
"That was all part of Kevin's brief. He'll choose the windows and get them installed by one company," Darren remembers. This allows for greater efficiency and a single point of contact for the homeowner, which simplifies the entire construction process.
The project's location did present a challenge, but this was easily addressed by using the highest quality products designed specifically to withstand the elements and look sensational. This showcase project clearly met the brief and more when looking at the masterful outcome. Talk to the team at Altus Window Systems about how we and our expert fabricators can help you out on your next high-end build.