What's new in house window technology?
Imagine a giant, transparent iPad, where you can access all your apps, connect to the internet and even watch TV shows. This is future of house windows, according to the innovative geniuses at Samsung. The Korean giant's new smart windows bring together all the benefits of smart devices, blow it up ten-fold and place it in the space where your traditional windows once were.
Smart devices can be connected to Samsung's intelligent windows.
Yet, innovation is not just occurring in window application. In fact, New Zealand's very own Smartfit technology has changed the way designer windows are fitted during a build.
Samsung's intelligent windows
Innovation is essential to progress; without it, people would continue to do the same thing over and over again. This is one of the reasons Samsung has created its smart window.
While they call it a window, it's really a transparent touch screen LCD masquerading as a window. According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it can be fitted to any space up to 46 inches. With resolution set at 1366 x 768, it offers a clear screen - illuminated by natural light in the day, and built-in bulbs at night. Impressively, the window works like a one-way mirror, allowing you to see out but nobody can see in. With privacy becoming more valuable than ever, this is important as you wouldn't want your neighbours seeing what you're browsing.
The innovative design offers all the benefits of a smart device, without sacrificing the vistas windows can offer. Alongside the growing innovative approaches to window design, another product offers an alternative, more beneficial approach to fitting windows.
Smartfit innovation with Altus Window Systems
Fitting windows has obviously changed over the years, but the main requirements have not: Builders still need to use components such as internal tapes, PEF rods and expanding foams. For construction workers and builders, this translates into more onsite materials, increased labour and extra costs.
The innovative designers and Altus Window Systems have changed all that with their Smartfit technology. Unlike traditional windows, Smartfit house windows and doors are ready-to-fit. They come with in-built head and jamb flashings, as well as cavity closers, end dams and sill support.
In practical terms, this means you can take it straight off the truck to be fitted immediately. Its innovative design was recognised by the New Zealand innovators awards, reaching the finals in 2015.
Improving what we already have is a key trait at Fletcher Window and Door Systems, it's a New Zealand thing we guess. If you would like to know more about our innovative products, contact us today.
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