

4 essential window maintenance and cleaning tips
4 essential window maintenance and cleaning tips

You want your windows to look good and operate smoothly. Even with New Zealand's relatively mild climate, we put our windows through a lot - just ask anyone who's spent a winter in Ophir. The weather can change in a moment's notice, bringing cold fronts, driving rain and other environmental surprises your home must contend with.

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How to choose the best sliding doors for stunning views
How to choose the best sliding doors for stunning views

There's a whole lot to love about New Zealand, and chief among them is the spectacular scenery. The picturesque landscape is one of the top reasons why so many people fly from all parts of the world to take in the natural beauty, which is evidenced by the panoramic views of rolling hills and pristine beaches.

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A comprehensive guide to installing windows
A comprehensive guide to installing windows

Altus Window Systems Smartfit® improves on a number of key aspects of traditional windows. That includes making all installations more weathertight and reducing the complexity and risk in the installation process.

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Top tips and ideas for window and door aesthetics
Top tips and ideas for window and door aesthetics

House windows and doors play an incredibly important roll in both style and comfort, making the choice of windows and doors design aesthetic vital for your future comfort.

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Damp, drafty, tired: When to improve your windows
Damp, drafty, tired: When to improve your windows

Any New Zealand homeowner knows that there's more to a good window than simply providing a view.

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Products featured on 'The Block NZ' over the past 7 years
Products featured on 'The Block NZ' over the past 7 years

The Block NZ for 2018 was another season of highs and lows, but at the end of it all - some spectacular homes emerged.

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Discover the perfect aluminium windows and doors for your home with Nebulite®. Explore our innovative range designed to enhance your New Zealand lifestyle.

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